“Starving Artists” February 25, 2021 Griffen Stuckless Arts, Audio, Audio Stories, Kicker Radio, Lifestyles, News 0 Art has evolved over time with new artistic eras and styles – but how have the struggles artists face evolved with it? Rysa Null draws many different types of art, but digital art of animals is one of the bigger focuses of her work. Her work can be found at https://www.instagram.com/rsyaarts/ https://kickercna.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/GS-Starving-Artists-0225.mp3 Griffen Stuckless Kicker News artartistsaudioCOVID-19Fine ArtsLifestylesNewfoundlandNova ScotiaRadioStruggles
Sports Local junior hockey team holds cancer fundraiser February 9, 2024 Cameron Sports 0 All proceeds from the Northeast Jr. Eagles’ final home game of the season will go to a summer camp for children with cancer. The Eagles face off against the Paradise Jr. Warriors 7:30 p.m. Sunday […]
Lifestyles Getting smart with saving November 9, 2023 Clifton Tam Lifestyles 0 November is financial literacy month and a local seminar aims to help people to manage their money more effectively.
Featured New reality, new lessons October 15, 2020 Kyle Curtis Featured, Lifestyles, News, Province 1 Learning from home is causing students to be stressed out.
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