Articles by Emily Lyver

Vancouver Fashion Week showcases Newfoundland designer’s work
Tucker Ellis has been creating things their entire life and recently got the chance to bring those creations to the grand stage.

WANL; have you heard of it?
The Writer’s Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador is a welcoming community of like-minded authors reaching out for more members across the province.

New writers debut in chilling new N.L. fantasy anthology
Local publishing company Engen Books is always looking for new talent, and its upcoming book launch showcases a variety of different voices from across Atlantic Canada.

Local cosplayers say foam “werx”
Newfoundland costume makers are a big hit at local science fiction conventions.

Students shouldn’t be beasts of burden
With the province in a state of fiscal turmoil, is it time for students to shoulder part of the burden?

Some drivers remain colour blind
Accessibility parking is scarce enough as it is, especially when individuals are illegally using permits to take up spaces.

‘It happens with one act’
Indigenous graphic novels introduced to province’s junior high students promotes historical significance.

‘I’m not gonna be bullied or feel like a victim for anybody’
Journalists getting heckled and harassed whilst doing their jobs is nothing new, but female reporters are ready for it to become a thing of the past.

Fear the fairies
In comparison to the cute, friendly little creature Hollywood likes to portray them as, fairies seem to have a much darker history in Newfoundland.