Nia on the Rock January 17, 2019 Lauren Ella Burke Audio Stories, Kicker Radio 0 A mixture of different martial arts, yoga, and dance moves; the Nia technique is a program that is becoming popular in Newfoundland. Ella Burke Kicker bodyclassCNA JournalismmindNiaProgramsoulspirit
Arts International circus festival brings St. John’s under the big top September 27, 2018 Alex Kennedy Arts, Featured 2 The circus world’s finest coming to the rock for a weekend of entertainment, laughs and more
Audio Stories “It keeps me energetic and not a couch potato”- Bowling away the winter blues January 29, 2018 Alex Kennedy Audio Stories, Sports 0 Bowling is on the rise in Paradise, with young and old doing up their Velcro shoes.
Audio Stories Derby Queens February 7, 2020 Brianna McCormack Audio Stories, Kicker Radio, Metro, Province, Sports 0 Roller derby has made a comeback. Newfoundland jumped on the trend ten years ago, and now we have our very own league, the 709 Roller Derby.
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