CNA student set to design video games on a world stage November 9, 2018 Ashley Sheppard Arts, Audio Stories, Kicker Radio 0 ‘Even after a week of hearing that news, I could not fathom the fact that it was me. I was one of the people who was chosen.’ Ashley Sheppard Kicker Andrew Miller is a Video Game Art and Design Student chosen to compete at the WorldSkills competition. brazilCNACompetitiongamesPEIVideoworldskills
Featured All is Merry and Bright December 3, 2020 Chantel Murrin Featured, Lifestyles, Metro 0 The Merry and Bright festival is counting on everyone else to light up the province this holiday season. Chantel Murrin Kicker
News Record-high gas prices affecting delivery drivers February 24, 2022 Josh Hodder News, Video 0 Delivery drivers have noticed an impact on their pay since gas prices have skyrocketed.
Lifestyles ‘The college operates on a philosophy of being open and accepting’ April 6, 2017 Mark Chafe Lifestyles Comments Off on ‘The college operates on a philosophy of being open and accepting’ CNA administrators and counsellors say they want all students to feel welcome and accepted at the college.
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