Safely Injected March 1, 2018 Rebecca Blake Lifestyles 1 SWAP and SHOP want to make intravenous drug use safer. Rebecca Blake Kicker Many drug users feel trapped by their addictions. SHOP is an organization that works with users to ensure their safety. Rebecca Blake/Kicker. AIDS council of Newfoundlandclean needlesDrugsopiodsprescription drugssafe injection sitesSHOPSWAP
Featured Dumping drugs in the garbage hurts more than just the environment February 13, 2020 Kicker Featured, Metro 0 Why you shouldn’t take cleaning out your medicine cabinet lightly.
Featured ‘The box does not exist’ April 6, 2017 Erica Yetman Featured, Lifestyles Comments Off on ‘The box does not exist’ An identity struggle led Ryan Maddick to drugs, but while learning to accept himself he learned he didn’t need them.
Featured Suboxone: Miracle drug – or more of the same? February 27, 2018 Stephen Miller Featured, News 0 Suboxone has been available in Newfoundland only since 2016. Will it replace methadone as the drug of choice for addicts trying to quit powerful opioids?
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