Public skating returns to Corner Brook Civic Centre March 3, 2022 Brendyn Creamer Audio, News, Province, Sports 0 Public skating returned to the Corner Brook Civic Centre on Feb. 19. Residents and staff alike are happy to see it back. Brendyn CreamerKicker News Corner Brook residents skate around the rink during an adult skating session on Thursday, Feb. 24. Information on the various activities at the Corner Brook Civic Centre is available on its website. (Brendyn Creamer/Kicker) Civic CentrecommunityCorner Brookpublic skatingskating
Featured Volunteers want to make their areas less trashy October 26, 2017 Jason Sheppard Featured, Metro, Province 0 People are giving up their time to make their neighbourhoods cleaner and safer.
Arts St. John’s sculptor Morgan MacDonald is a bronze winner September 21, 2017 Jason Sheppard Arts, Featured, Metro, Province 0 Young artist uses old methods to create contemporary pieces of art.
Lifestyles Manuels River gives students practical skills to take on climate change February 3, 2022 Sarah Antle Lifestyles 0 Manuels River is offering a climate change lab to equip students with tools to handle overwhelming information about climate change, teaching practical skills.
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