Newfoundlanders are excited for the beginning of spring, and as the snow is finishing melting, people are starting to get outside and plan trips once again.
Spring is here in Newfoundland, and people are getting excited for the warmer weather and longer days.
And it’s no wonder they’re excited, either, after last year’s record-breaking snowmageddon raged across the island.
But this year it seems that Mother Nature has taken pity on Newfoundland. The snow was late to arrive, and it has already mostly melted.
Obediah Major, a university student in St. John’s, is one of many thankful for the early season start.
“It’s past winter, but it’s before it gets really hot and uncomfortable. Me and [my girlfriend] go for walks a lot around this time, because there’s no snow on the trails – so it’s a good time to get out,” said Major. “And the path to walk to school is a lot easier.”
Enjoying the warmer weather on his walks to school and extra quality time spent with his girlfriend, he’s glad the winter season ended early.
“Less snow to shovel, hah,” mused Major. “The weather is better – you don’t have snowstorms and stuff as much. It’s a lot nicer to just be out and about.”
It’s not just the lack of snow that Major enjoys, though – he’s ready for the longer days, too.
“It definitely helps with productivity and stuff,” Major said. “If you look outside and it’s dark out, it feels more like it’s toning down for the night. But if it’s still bright outside I feel like productivity – for me, at least – is increased.”
Amy Welsh, a CNA student studying tourism and hospitality, says spring brings a lot of exciting things for her, too.

“I’ve been thinking about getting into rollerblading, so I would like to pick up a pair of skates,” said Welsh. “And I’m definitely gonna go back home and I’ll be going to Gros Morne a lot, probably, to get out on the boat tours and do the trails again – and to drink out on the patio.”
Being someone who’s into hiking and outdoor activities, Welsh is very excited to come back to the west coast for the warmer seasons..
“I’ll be going to central first. I have a work placement with CNA in tourism, so I’m gonna’ be doing my work placement in Springdale,” said Welsh. “But after that I’ll be going back and forth between the west coast and central area.”
As somebody whose tourism program and career overlaps with the activities she enjoys, Welsh says she’s hopeful for the coming months.
“I think this is gonna be a better year for tourism, definitely,” Welsh said. “I’m hopeful that more businesses will open now that we have less cases and we’re getting the vaccine. And I think this might be a good year for the festival in Norris Point – Trails, Tales and Tunes. They’ll be trying to do half online, half in-person events this year.”
At the end of the day, though, Welsh is just happy that spring has sprung.
“It feels like the dead of Winter’s gone. It’s just not so cold – it’s almost like a new life is forming when you’re getting ready for summer months,” Welsh said. “It’s just really exciting to get back outside.”
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