Dr. Janice Fitzgerald is the face, but she’s not alone March 15, 2021 James Piercey Audio, News 0 The province’s chief medical officer of health has always been quick to acknowledge the dedicated team backing her up. Healthcare professionals are working overtime to combat COVID-19 in the province. James Piercey / Kicker. https://kickercna.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/JPheroes0315.mp3 #healthcareCOVID-19covid19nfld
Lifestyles Anxiety and burnout: The life of musicians during COVID-19 November 26, 2020 Nick Travis Lifestyles 0 The life of a gig musician was never a financially stable one to begin with, and COVID-19 has only made it harder.
Featured Homesickness very real during pandemic April 9, 2021 Henrike Wilhelm Featured, News 0 Travel restrictions and lockdowns force many to take longer breaks from visiting home.
Audio Stories Health hackers unite to find solutions January 24, 2019 Allan Bradbury Audio Stories 0 On January 23, a group of 100 people gathered at MUN’s medical school together to hack health.
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