The Lizard Army of Newfoundland A journey into the life of a man who split his tongue February 1, 2018 Dylan Sheppard Audio Stories, Kicker Radio, Lifestyles 0 People around the world are getting their tongues by professional body modders to achieve the Snake’s serpent tongue look. Andrew Pardy showing off his split tongue. After having it done for over a year fully healed. Dylan Sheppard/Kicker Lizard ArmyNewfoundlandSplit Tongue
Arts Subjective technology November 17, 2022 Sakib Ibn Rashid Rhivu Arts, Featured 0 Midjourney AI opens the door of creativity for the non-artists.
Featured Tourists come from all over to experience Newfoundland iceberg season March 23, 2023 Abigail Butler Featured, Province 0 Visitors to the province embrace the season to take in the beauty of icebergs making their way along the coast.
Province Snowmobile helmets encouraged, but not required March 25, 2021 Griffen Stuckless Province 0 Snowmobiling is a huge part of Newfoundland’s identity, so why aren’t helmets?
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