“It keeps me energetic and not a couch potato”- Bowling away the winter blues January 29, 2018 Alex Kennedy Audio Stories, Sports 0 Bowling is on the rise in Paradise, with young and old doing up their Velcro shoes. https://kickercna.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/AK.BOWLING.SOT_.1_25_18-208.mp3 Vanessa Earle lines up her shot as she bowls in Paradise. Alex Kennedy/Kicker Alex KennedyBowlingbowling leaguesCNA Journalismfive pin bowlingjournalismKickerParadiseParadise BowlsportsYBCybc newfoundland
Audio Stories Nia on the Rock January 17, 2019 Lauren Ella Burke Audio Stories, Kicker Radio 0 A mixture of different martial arts, yoga, and dance moves; the Nia technique is a program that is becoming popular in Newfoundland.
Featured Reduce. Reuse. Recognize. Kicker’s Waste Age nominated for Atlantic Journalism Award April 5, 2019 Stephen Miller Featured 0 Kicker has been nominated along with journalism programs from King’s College and Nova Scotia Community College.
Metro Metrobus facing huge growth in ridership January 18, 2024 Kathleen Reddy Metro 0 Public transport in Newfoundland is continuously gaining popularity but needs the means to accommodate a huge influx of passengers.
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