Veterans continue a legacy of Remembrance with high school students November 10, 2022 Sakib Ibn Rashid Rhivu Featured, News 0 Members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 1 attended a Remembrance Day assembly Tuesday at Waterford Valley High School. Sakib Ibn Rashid RhivuKicker CNAKickerNewfoundlandNewfoundland and Labradorremembrance daySt. John's
Audio Three cherries: how Nevada tickets have Newfoundlanders hooked January 27, 2022 Samantha Butt Audio, Lifestyles, Uncategorized 0 We’re all familiar with waiting in line while the customer ahead of you rips open a stack of pull-tabs. What is it about these small cardboard tickets that have so many Newfoundlanders coming back? Kicker’s […]
Featured Tremors in Turkey felt emotionally in St. John’s February 23, 2023 Ariyana Gomes Featured, Metro, National 0 A local student and a business owner mourn the loss of friends and relatives to recent earthquakes in Turkey
Metro New passion for pizza in the province January 26, 2018 Beth Penney Metro 0 Pizza popularity is rising in the province because of a new local Facebook group.
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