Our Plastic Province February 21, 2019 Lauren Ella Burke Waste Age 0 Our planet is sick. Our waters are polluted. Marine animals off our shores are dying because of the plastic we throw away. Ella Burke Kicker https://kickercna.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/EB_-Our-planet-is-sick_00.02.40.mp3 Each Wednesday night the Rooms organizes what they call Engaging Evenings. This week’s event was a discussion about ocean health. Ella Burke/ Kicker. animalsmarineoceanplasticpollution
Featured Microplastics: a macro problem October 4, 2018 Margaret Harvey Featured, Lifestyles, News 0 The section of the East Coast Trail dubbed the plastic forest has the potential to cause a lot more harm than we think.
Featured Online pet scams have long-term effects in city October 12, 2023 Madison Ryan Featured, Metro 0 Whether it’s a fake advertisement for a dog or a call for fundraising, pet-related scams are on the rise.
Arts Amateur artists on display at Arts and Culture Centre November 23, 2017 Jonny Hodder Arts 0 On Sunday, around 20 amateur artists and students of respected painter Dave Hoddinott had their work on display at the Arts and Culture Centre in St. John’s.
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