Company celebrates the arrival of The Newfoundland Victor, the first ever environmentally friendly fishing vessel in Canada.
Taylor Hollohan
Newfound Resources Limited has launched the country’s first green shrimp vessel.
The new vessel was formally listed as a clean ship under the National Classifications Society and was the first environmentally friendly fishing vessel in Canada. In order to become what’s called a clean ship, Newfound Resources had to obtain a certification proving it to be a high-tech and energy efficient vessel.
Brian McNamara, president of Newfound Resources, says the Newfoundland Victor is the latest addition to the company’s fleet which includes the Newfoundland Pioneer.
“We’re going to keep the vessel we have now for about 10 more years and the new boat will be sailing in the next few days,” said McNamara.
The vessel was built in Norway and the official christening ceremony took place in St. John’s harbour on Saturday. It promises to create 50 jobs.
“We’re going to double our work force, which is a big thing to us,” said McNamara.
The Newfoundland Victor was named after McNamara’s great uncle who died in the First World War. Victor Carew was a member of the storied Newfoundland regiment and 2017 marks 100 years since his death.
Formed in 1986 and owned by 25 Newfoundland seafood companies to harvest and deliver large quantities of fish for the benefit of Newfoundland processing plants, the company re-invented themselves into a shrimp business in 1991.
Brian’s son, Brent McNamara, works alongside his father as the project manager.
He helped organize the christening of the vessel on Saturday which included the crew, their families, owners, and everyone else involved in the making of the ship. Customers from Japan, China and Iceland also attended the event. A crowd of 300 people took part in the event.
“It was a really special event and I was glad to be part of it,” said the younger McNamara.
The ship was blessed as part of the ceremony and christened with the traditional smashing of a bottle of champagne on the hull.
Some 600 people worked on the vessel, finishing it in just under 18 months.
“It was amazing. Just 18 months ago, we were looking at the plan of the vessel and now it’s here in St. John’s. All of the time and effort put into the vessel really paid off.”